Results for 'Gretchen van Utt'

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  1.  54
    Science, Religious Naturalism, and Biblical Theology: Ground for the Emergence of Sustainable Living.George W. Fisher & Gretchen van Utt - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):929-943.
  2. Perceiving and reasoning about objects: Insights from infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke & Gretchen A. Van de Walle - 1993 - In Naomi Eilan, Rosaleen A. McCarthy & Bill Brewer, Spatial representation: problems in philosophy and psychology. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Van Antigone tot Dolly: veertig jaar kritisch denken.Etienne Vermeersch, Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden - 1997 - Antwerpen: Hadewijch. Edited by Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden.
    Keuze van artikelen uit het werk van de Vlaamse filosoof over wetenschap, milieu, en medische en biologische ethiek.
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    Die formule as basis van die Pauliniese ekklesiologie.Andre Botma & Andries Van Aarde - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (2/3).
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    Veelheid van identiteiten, fundamentele identiteit en dualisme.René van Woudenberg - 2018 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 110 (3):315-333.
    Plurality of concepts of identity, foundational identity, and dualism This paper defends three claims. One: the Dutch word for ‘identity’ (viz. ‘identiteit’) is used to express very different concepts, such as the concept of ‘character’, ‘self-image’, ‘social identity’, ‘narrative identity’, and ‘identity through time’. Two: each of these concepts is applicable to human persons, but the concept of ‘identity through time’ is, in a crucial respect, more fundamental than the others. Three: because the fundamental concept of identity applies to human (...)
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    Die sosiaal-wetenskaplike kritiese eksegese van Nuwe-Testamentiese tekste: ’n Kritiese oorsig van die eerste resultate.Andries G. Van Aarde - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    De zichtbare foetus. Echoscopie, endoscopie en de visualisering van de foetus.Jftm van Dijck - 1999 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 39:137-142.
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    Kerklike eenheid tussen die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika en die Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika 1.I. W. C. Van Wyk - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    De maat van de techniek: zes filosofen over techniek, Günther Anders, Jacques Ellul, Arnold Gehlen, Martin Heidegger, Hans Jonas en Lewis Mumford.Hans Achterhuis, Paul van Dijk & Pieter Tijmes - 1992
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  10. The body keeps the score: approaches to the psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. In van der Kolk BA, McFarlane AC, Weisaeth L (eds), Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind.B. van der Kolk - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: The Guilford Press.
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    Business and Art.Van Meter Ames - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (1):86-95.
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    La Peinture francaise (1905-1914) et "l'Art negre".Van Meter Ames & Jean Laude - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (4):560.
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    Letter en geest in de machine.Marianne van den Boomen - 2006 - Krisis 7 (1):71-79.
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    The forgotten struggle of Albert Geyser against racism and apartheid.Andries G. Van Aarde, Pieter G. R. De Villiers & Johan Buitendag - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Is regulering van lobbyen nodig, nuttig of symboliek?Rinus van Schendelen - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (3):275-281.
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  16. Een inleiding in het denken van Michael Walzer, John Rawls, Charles Taylor, Benjamin Berghs.Harry Berghs & Jozef M. L. van Gerwen (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Paraatmaking teen immoraliteit in 'n postmodernistiese samelewing: 'n Hermeneuse van 2 Petrus 1:12-15.Douw G. Breed & Fika J. Van Rensburg - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (1/2).
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    Teaching in a Brave New World.Louis Van Delft - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):65-74.
    This article is essentially a commentary on a little-known text by `Alain' (whose real name was Emile-Auguste Chartier), successively entitled Les marchands de sommeil and Vigiles de l'esprit. This piece of work, initially a prize-giving speech to students in a Parisian lycée, was rewritten by Alain many years later during the Second World War. It describes with acute intelligence and in a splendid metaphoric language the enduring and compelling proposition that the formation of critical judgement should be the ultimate purpose (...)
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  19.  42
    Rights of and duties to non‐consenting patients–informed refusal in the developing world.Louis-Jacques van Bogaert - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (1):13-22.
    ABSTRACTThe principle of informed refusal poses a specific problem when it is invoked by a pregnant woman who, in spite of having accepted her pregnancy, refuses the diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures that would ensure the well‐being of her endangered fetus. Guidelines issued by professional bodies in the developed world are conflicting: either they allow autonomy and informed consent to be overruled to the benefit of the fetus, or they recommend the full respect of these principles. A number of medical ethicists (...)
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  20.  26
    War, Piracy and Religion: Godfried Udemans' Spiritual Helm (1638).Joris van Eijnatten - 2007 - Grotiana 26 (1):192-214.
    The Calvinist minister Godfried Udemans is generally considered to be one of the more important seventeenth-century theologians from the province of Zeeland. He specialized in writings for a broader public, including, in particular, publications on ethical and religious codes in trade and seafaring. Of his various writings on moral theology, 't Geestelyck roer van 't coopmans schip, first published in 1638, is the most important.The Spiritual helm appeared in print some thirty years after Grotius occupied himself with De jure praedae (...)
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  21.  29
    Reference values for mental health assessment instruments: objectives and methods of the Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study.Yvonne W. M. Schulte-van Maaren, Ingrid V. E. Carlier, Erik J. Giltay, Martijn S. van Noorden, Margot W. M. de Waal, Nic J. A. van der Wee & Frans G. Zitman - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):342-350.
  22. Wijsgerige aspecten Van de wetenschappelijke inductie.P. H. Van Laer - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):55-84.
    The most important method of the experiential sciences is the so-called scientific induction, viz. the method that starts from the observation of the particular and individual and tends to obtain abstractly-general or universal statements. This article explains that such a progression from the individual to the universal can only be accounted for if it can be considered as an application of some general intellectual insights. As to the main feature, this application can be made explicit by means of the following (...)
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  23.  7
    Wetten en weten: 'theorie van het recht': een wijsgerige kritiek.G. van Roermund - 1983 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Rejoinder to Professor Litwack.Ernest Van Den Haag - 1984 - Criminal Justice Ethics 3 (1):20-22.
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  25. Dix pistes pour l'avenir.Marc Halevy-van Keymeulen - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 104:203-211.
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  26. Grenzeloze zorg? Over Florence Nightingale en redelijke eisen van moraal vanuit zorgethisch perspectief.Mariette van den Hoven - 2008 - Filosofie En Praktijk 29 (1):31.
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    Wat Heeft God Met De Moraal Te Maken? - What Has God To Do With Morality?De Goddelijke Gebodstheorie Van De Morele Verplichting - The Divine Command Theory Of Moral Obligation.A. Van Den Beld - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (4):362-380.
    The article deals with the classical idea that God's will is the foundation of moral obligation. The particular theory should be understood as a theory of a certain moral practice. Therefore, its 'Sitz im Leben' is first invoked by means of an episode of Walter Scott's The Heart of Midlothian. Then a strong version of the theory is stated and defended against a couple of current and classical objections. A successful defense would give rational support to the theory, but it (...)
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    The Cult of ChildhoodWhat Is a Picture?Van Meter Ames, George Boas & H. H. Wrenn - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):546.
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    An Experimentalist on Being.Van Cleve Morris - 1958 - Modern Schoolman 35 (2):125-133.
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    On spiking the imitation regress.E. W. Van Steenburgh - 1974 - Apeiron 8 (1):27 - 30.
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    Author Index.Jasper van Buuren - 2018 - In Body and Reality: An Examination of the Relationships Between the Body Proper, Physical Reality, and the Phenomenal World Starting From Plessner and Merleau-Ponty. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 307-312.
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    Chapter 4: Merleau-Ponty and the Embodied Subject.Jasper van Buuren - 2018 - In Body and Reality: An Examination of the Relationships Between the Body Proper, Physical Reality, and the Phenomenal World Starting From Plessner and Merleau-Ponty. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 137-184.
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  33. The Bloomsbury handbook of Spinoza.Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers & Jeroen M. M. Van de Ven (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This 2nd edition Handbook of Spinoza retains a unique focus on the biographical details of Spinoza's life, as well as essential scholarship on his influences and early critics. A glossary of key Latin Spinozan terms with English translations remains a key feature alongside short synopses of Spinoza's writings. Adding to the updated contemporary scholarship on Spinoza from across Europe and the US is the recognition of Spinoza's influence more globally. Distinct from other reference works on Spinoza, this book offers the (...)
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    Wat is dat: filosofie?Gertrudis Van de Vijver - 2011 - de Uil Van Minerva 24 (3):117-225.
    Dit artikel behandelt de vraag van wat filosofie is vanuit de gelijknamige tekst van Heidegger. Het bespreekt het mogelijk onderscheid tussen continentale en analytische manieren om aan filosofie te doen, evenals het effect van de universitaire institutie op de filosofische bedrijvigheid.
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    Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis (eds.) - 1981 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Zelfontplooing en zelfbeschikking. Het omstreden erfgoed van de jaren zestig.B. A. M. van Stokkom - 2000 - Krisis 4.
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    Memories of Constantine.Van Dam - forthcoming - The Classical Review 62 (2).
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    Heartbeat: Taking the Pulse of Our Christian Theological and Philosophical Heritage.B. J. Van der Walt - 1978 - Potchefstroom University.
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  39. Commentaar.Het Gelijk van Bolkestein - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Modern movements in educational philosophy.Van Cleve Morris - 1969 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
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    Critisch perspectief op perspectieven van ethische rationaliteit.Hugo van den Enden - 1978 - Philosophica 22.
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    Distantiatie in de hermeneutiek Van Paul Ricoeur.Gert-jan van der Heiden - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (3):277-297.
    One of the key concepts of Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics is the notion of distanciation. In this article we show that Ricoeur introduces this notion as a correction of Heidegger’s focus on being-in and Gadamer’s emphasis on belonging . Ricoeur argues that distanciation does not lead to the uprooting of our belonging to a tradition. Rather, distanciation is an integral part of the dynamics that constitutes tradition. We discuss the different senses in which Ricoeur understands distanciation as a positive and productive (...)
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    (1 other version)De toekomst Van de oecumenische beweging Van uppsala 1968 uit gezien.H. van der Linde - 1969 - Bijdragen 30 (2):118-139.
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    De waarheid van de kunst. Over de rol van het esthetische in Schellings romantische moderniteitskritiek.A. van der Schoot - 1997 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 89 (4):330-331.
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    Een analyse van de Hangman Paradox in dynamische epistemische logica.Hans van Ditmarsch & Barteld Kooi - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 97:16-30.
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    Apology for Aesthetes.Van Meter Ames - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (1):56-67.
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    The malady of the ideal--Obermann, Maurice de Guérin, and Amiel.Van Wyck Brooks - 1913 - Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    Speaking on behalf of the other: Death and dialogue in Plato, Gadamer, and Derrida.Gert-jan van der Heiden - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (2):264-277.
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    National Surveys and Organised International Comparisons - The Practical Building Blocks of National Medical Professions.Godelieve van Heteren - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (3):247-252.
    In this third article on the role of international comparative practices in the formation of national health care systems I discuss a familiar group of systems-builders--medical professional organisations--and so focus on some early comparisons undertaken by organised groups of doctors. So far in this series I have argued that any attempt to make international comparisons--whether in the 19th-century or today--is bound to be based on a 'characteristically national' understanding. Not infrequently such an understanding finds its clearest expression in the very (...)
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    Epistemic Humility and Causal Structuralism.James Van Cleve - 2011 - In Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman & Naomi Eilan, Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 82.
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